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Start date: August 24th 2019  This walk is finish, next walk will be in 2021, subscribe here to our mailing list to receive all the updates concerning the next walk 


We ask for cooperation & patience to the schedule below.  Dates after the starting day are not included because we cannot ever say what time or when we will specifically be at the designated stopping place. 

We are like the Water & we go with the flow.



Planned Ceremonies:


  • August 24th, 2019: Matane Qc (Motel Riotel)

  • St-Jean-Port-Joli

  • Malecites community

  • Abenaki community

  • Visitation-de-l’ile-Dupas

  • Lanoraie

  • Kanesatake

  • La Petite Nation

  • September 15th, 2019: Bates Island


Here are the approximate dates that we will be in your town:


August 24th leaving Matane around noon after the ceremony

August 28th we should arrive in Cacouna

August 30th St-Jean-Port-Joli

September 4th Wolinak

September 5th Odanak

September 7th Lanoraie

September 11th  Papineauville

September 15th arriving in Gatineau, final ceremony on Bates Island (Champlain bridge between Ottawa & Gatineau)


follow our steps on Facebook: Mother Earth Water Walk 2019 where you can follow our GPS maps & movements.





Nibi: Water

Aki Ikwe: Mother Earth

Turtle Island:  North America     

Anishinabe: Original People of Turtle Island,

                        First Nation of Canada

migwetch: thank you

Nasema: tobacco, sacred medicine for communication with Creation

Moontime:  mensing cycle, menstruation

Ceremony: Sacred rites of prayers, intentions & gratitude

Walking Staff:  The staff spiritually guides & protect s the Water Walkers

Copper vessel:  carries the Water

Touch down: when we retire the Water for the night or before a ceremony or special meal, tobacco is offered  

                   and the vessel is connecting with the Grandmother (special rock)

Nin tòdam Nibi Ondji: I do it for the Water:  words that we say when the Water is passed


Nibi Wabo: Water song to convey love to the Water:


Nibi Wabo Endayan, Aki miskwi Nibi wabo

The Water that I carry is the blood of Mother Earth




Water walks are based on anishinabe ceremonial Water teachings.  We walk to honor all Nibi (Water) and to speak to the Water Spirits so that there will be healthy oceans, rivers and lakes for our ancestors and the generations to come


Migwetch for joining us to honor Nibi and all of Life. We are walking the Sibi Kitchi Gami (St-Lawrence River) and part of the Ottawa River


The Great Lakes and the St-Lawrence River, together, are considered the world’s largest freshwater lake system & hold around 21% of the world’s supply of surface fresh Water; 84% of North America’s surface fresh Water. It provides Water to more than 30 million people in Quebec, Ontario & 8 states




When we are walking for the Water, we are in an anishinabe ceremony from the beginning of the day until day’s end.


We move like Water, continuously, all day long, every day until we reach our final destination.


We carry nasema/tobacco with us to offer to any flowing streams or rivers we cross and to honor any animals we may cross over along the roads or trails.  When we walk, this is a time for prayers or songs for the Water.


Women make offerings for the Water, sing Water songs & make petitions for our Water to be pure & clean.  Because we are in a specific anishinabe ceremony, women wear long skirts & men wear long pants to show our respect for our grandmothers, for Mother Earth, for ourselves.


Women on their Moontime do not carry the Water during this time, as they are already in ceremony.  Men carry the staff, but if there is no male in attendance, then women can carry the staff.


Please stay focus on the reason why you are here.  Water should always be your main focus.


Chi migwetch to Grandmother Josephine Mandamin for having lead so many Water Walks and teaching us the protocols.





Water Walk is an anishinabe ceremony


All are welcome to participate & join us


No dogs, No bikes/skateboards


No drugs, no alcohol


Helpful tips/what to bring:


A refillable Water bottle, we do not want to purchase any bottled Water


  • Bring 2 pairs of walking shoes, rain gear, boots, sunscreen, flashlight, gloves, hat

  • A vehicle

  • Snacks, healthy food

  • First aid, blister bandages

  • Sleeping bundle (sleeping bag, pillow, mattress)

  • Be responsible, bring your own towel, shampoo etc. (our hosts should not have to supply these items)

  • Be prepared to camp and/or share sleeping quarters with others

  • Bring tobacco for offerings and for  the grandmothers

  • Be financially self-sustaining: gas, hotel room & meals may have to be provided by yourself for yourself, depending on donations received. But be ready to do your part.

  • The Water Walk organisers are not responsible for you, come prepared.


A Water Walk is not:


  • A protest, activist action or social event

  • About the individual or what you can gain

  • Sitting idle nor is it an easy journey

  • A place to look for your next partner

  • For boasting, social chatting, carelessly talking nor gossiping

  • For thrill seekers, nor is it a contest or competition, exercise, work-out or a game of “I can handle it” or * go the distance

  • For those who just show up at the end of the walk to be seen & to say they were there

  • A performance piece

  • For people who like to sleep or want a vacation

  • For those who have romanticized ideas about first nation people

  • For those who feel the need to force other cultural values onto protocols already in place



If anyone is disruptive /disrespectful or abusive they will be asked to leave


A Water Walk is first & foremost about Water; it is an ANISHINABE CEREMONY from the time the pail is lifted to the time of touch down the Walkers are in ceremony





2019 Anishinabe Sacred Circle ©

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