Cercle sacré Anishinabe sacred circle

Our mission
"values" means the 7 Sacred Teachings;
"wisdom keepers" means a grandmother / grandfather or an elder who has the traditional knowledge and who walks their talk and is on the Red road;
"Auntie or Uncle" means a person who is being guided by the wisdom keepers to work with a younger person and follow our values;
"circle" means meeting;
"circle of members" includes an annual meeting of members or a special meeting of members;
"all my relations" means Sky-Woman, grandmother Moon, mother Earth, Water, grandfather Sun, the wind, the Fire, humans, animals, plants, minerals and all life forms as per First Nations traditions;
"teachings" means knowledge that is passed down from one generation to the next through ceremonies or circle facilitated by the wisdom keepers;
"Anishinabe" means original people in good spirit with all our relations;
"traditional" means according to non-colonized First Nations views;
The mission
The Mission of the Organization is to empower First Nations, Metis and Inuit youth, women, men and elders by facilitating talking circles and healing programs.
The purpose of the Corporation as indicated in the patent letters is as follows:
1. Prevent or alleviate youth-related issues such as substance abuse, suicide, depression, school dropout, delinquency, etc. and the distress that accompanies them by providing young people with a meeting place where well-trained people are present to support them in their life experiences and help them overcome their problems through talking circles, individual or group counselling, based on a traditional approach using the seven grandfather’s teachings as described in our values section.
a. Mental health services and support group;
b. Addiction support services and groups for people on the recovery road;
c. Service and support group for women victims of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual abuse;
2. Facilitate unification through interconnecting circles, councils, ceremonies and gatherings creating allies to support and understand our traditional way of life and environmental stewardship using the 94 recommendations by the Commission of Truth and Reconciliation.
Note: Traditional First Nations teaching strategies are spiritually based, holistic and deeply rooted in nature, and are non-religious. They reinforce our values and respect rules of reciprocity.
Our objectives
1. Implementing social innovation to help women identify the challenges and barriers to empower them to reclaim their independence and stability;
2. Promote and facilitate healing circles and support programs for status & non-status First Nation, Metis, Inuit and self-identified youth, women, men and elders;
3. Create and maintain a traditional circle with a common vision and understanding of a holistic healing practice for all of our relations;
4. Reach and link people, organizations and communities that propose concrete actions for the respect of nature and ecological responsibility towards the protection and well-being of Mother Earth for the benefit of future generations;
5. Promote and facilitate circles, exchanges and collaboration amongst these allies, organizations and communities;
6. Create partnerships with community organizations to support First Nations, metis and Inuit families that have been impacted by inter-generational trauma leading to physical, mental, emotional and spiritual abuse, drug and alcohol addiction and human trafficking.
Our values
Values are objectively good Anishinabe qualities such as humility, honesty, courage, truth, love, respect and wisdom. These qualities define the trait of character.
These teachings serve the good of the individual (helping us to lead a fulfilling life) and the good of society (helping us to live together harmoniously and productively). Therefore, in order to build strong community leaders, young people must come to know what the teachings are, appreciate their importance, acknowledge them, and then practice them in their day-to-day conduct adopting a traditional way of life.
1. Humility: this is the first teaching that reminds us that we are all equal in all our relations, using the circle as a reminder;
2. Honesty: this teaching is a reminder to be honest with ourselves and others in every action.
3. Courage: never giving up and reaching out to the community and circle for strength.
4. Truth: be true to yourself, true to your people, true to your teachings and true in everything that you do.
5. Love: healing and loving yourself is the key to freedom
6. Respect: to honor all creation is to have respect
7. Wisdom: a little wisdom is acquired by living the other six teachings