Cercle sacré Anishinabe sacred circle

Tuesday night Zoom - 6h30 from October to April
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Welcome, Pijashig
The Anishinabe Sacred Circle is a charitable organization that was initially created to raise awareness about Water threats and support the walkers for the first Anishinabe Sacred Circle Water Walk, in 2019, when we walked by waterways from Matane, QC to Ottawa, ON. It became very clear that much more was needed, not only for the land and Water, but for all First Nations.
As an Anishinabe Kokum (Grandmother), I have followed my own Elders’ teachings and ceremonies for many, many years. I have had the privilege of learning from and working with wonderful Elders over the years. I realized long ago that much more was needed to support, guide, teach, and facilitate healing for all First Nations; especially our youth. This is what led me to develop programs for our First Nations.
Knowing who we are is essential to understanding how to manage challenges in a healthy way. Identity is fundamental for First Nations; many youth have been lost for too long. From those who suffered trauma and those still suffering from the legacy of residential schools; to our sisters, brothers, and youth who may be at the beginning of their journey to discover their roots; the Anishinabe Sacred Circle offers traditional teachings to live with purpose, on a path towards positive change and healing.
The mission of the organization will always be to defend water rights and when we are not walking or organizing a water walk, we offer healing circles, teaching circles and talking circles. We also offer multiple programs open to all people.
The organization's primary purpose is to empower First Nations, Métis, Inuit, status, non-status and/or self-identified, youth, women, men, elders, and others interested in this process. We facilitate discussion circles and traditional teachings and ceremonies in a respectful and welcoming space where we honour all our relations.
You can make a difference. Your donation will help us to ensure we have all materials for our programs and meet the needs of participants. Our expenses vary from paper/printing, to creating bundles for participants and on occasion, food for those who cannot afford it for ceremony.
n addition, if you would like to increase aware in your place of work, we would be please to give a teaching on Water, or a general overview of our programs and our mission. Your contribution can change the lives of many. We invite you to contact us at: water@anishinabesacredcircle.org
Migwetch! Thank you!